This is me

Hello, my name is Relu and I am a reindeer. Yes, just like Rudolf. And, yes, I do come from Finland, though right now I live in Bucharest, Romania. I built this site because I think my life is interesting and I want to share it with the world. Also, people tend to think all reindeers are like Rudolf. That is not true, we do have a life besides Christmas, you know :)
This is mine...

duminică, 20 noiembrie 2011

sâmbătă, 19 noiembrie 2011

Jojo makes killer pizza #1!

Wanna see what I've been up to lately? Well, jojo makes killer pizza, so I had no choice...

Wanna see what I've been up to lately? Well, jojo makes killer pizza, so I had no choice...

Jojo makes killer pizza # 2!

I just couldn't stop!

Look! I saved some for you!

Kidding! Hehe!


vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011

Piatra Secuiului, Cheile Valisoarei

When we went to Capalna we also took a quick detour to Aiud and from there to Rimetea. On the way, this is what we saw:

The road was long :)and I got tired. So did Veronik...

The Onion Fair

On the 23 of october we went again to Capalna. It so happens that around that day there is an annual fair in Sasciori, popularly called ”The Onion Fair” because people usually make their supplies of onion for winter on that day. It is also a fair where shepherds sell their merchandise and buy what is necessary for the winter: from animals to shoes.
I will let the photos tell the story.


...and burduf cheese, drob, shep butter and sour cream, all homemade!

On the 23 of october we went again to Capalna. It so happens that around that day there is an annual fair in Sasciori, popularly called ”The Onion Fair” because people usually make their supplies of onion for winter on that day. It is also a fair where shepherds sell their merchandise and buy what is necessary for the winter: from animals to shoes.
I will let the photos tell the story.